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This showcases how even on an even game the bookie always takes a 10% rake. Statistically the average gambler will win this bet 50% of time. Therefore, for everyR$100 you wager, the book will earnR$5 and a gambler will loseR$5.
If you take in no more thanR$10,000 a week in bets, then you should start withR$10,000 on hand. That's about what you would expect if you were opening a local bookie operation. If you are starting a sportsbook business in a major city and plan to launch a major operation, you might need up toR$500,000.
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    Keystone LSV in Red
    Keystone LSV Logo
    Keystone LSV in Red
    Keystone LSV Logo
    Keystone LSV in Red
    Keystone LSV Logo
    Keystone LSV in Red